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Think you might be pregnant? Jewel Women’s Center is here for you. We provide free and confidential pregnancy testing and can discuss your results with you during your appointment. Whether you are experiencing early pregnancy symptoms or have already taken a home pregnancy test, you owe it to yourself to have a lab-quality pregnancy test performed at our center.

Find Out If You Are Accidentally Pregnant

Taking an over-the-counter pregnancy test is a great way to determine if you are pregnant, but your results could be inaccurate. If you find yourself to be unexpectedly pregnant, it's recommended that you get a professional pregnancy test to confirm. To get an abortion, it's important to first confirm your pregnancy with a medical professional.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

So, how do you know if you're pregnant? Your body might give you some signs before you even take a pregnancy test. During the early stages of pregnancy, you could experience the following signs:

  • Missed period (the most common sign)
  • Nausea
  • Distaste for certain foods or smells
  • Darkening of the nipples
  • Spotting or cramping (likely due to implantation of the egg in the uterus)
  • Frequent urination
  • Swollen or tender breasts

While these signs could point to other causes, such as PMS, they could also indicate pregnancy. If you've had unprotected sex or experienced birth control failure and are experiencing any of the signs mentioned above, it's time to take a pregnancy test at Jewel Women's Center.

How Pregnancy Tests Work

Our lab-quality pregnancy tests detect the pregnancy hormone hCG in a woman's urine with a 99 percent accuracy rate. As your pregnancy progresses, hCG levels begin to rise and can eventually be detected through a urine-based pregnancy test. It's recommended that you wait until after you miss your period to take a pregnancy test so the level of hCG is high enough for the test to read "positive." If it's taken too early, it could produce false-negative results, meaning that you are actually pregnant but there just wasn't enough hCG in your system for the test to detect it.

After a Positive Pregnancy Test

After you've taken a test at Jewel Women's Center and the results were positive, your next step is to have an ultrasound performed. An ultrasound can tell you a variety of valuable information regarding your pregnancy - including how far along you are and if you have a viable pregnancy. An ultrasound is completely painless and is completely free at our center.

Get A Pregnancy Test For An Unplanned Pregnancy

If you could be pregnant, schedule an appointment for a free pregnancy test at Jewel Women's Center.


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