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woman reading pregnancy testWhat are the Early Signs of pregnancy?

Could I be pregnant?  It can be very stressful to wonder whether you might be pregnant. The most significant early pregnancy sign is a missed period, but there are other conditions that can cause your period to be late too.

This article will explain some early signs of pregnancy, but if you think you might be pregnant the best thing to do is take a pregnancy test. If you are experiencing early signs of pregnancy, you can contact Jewel Women’s Center for a free pregnancy test.

Some women experience early pregnancy signs within one week of conception. Other women report no early signs of pregnancy for a few weeks.


Common signs & Symptoms of pregnancy

date circled on calendarMissed Period – The most common sign of pregnancy is missing a period.  If your cycles are regular and more than a week has passed since the expected start date, you may be pregnant. There are other conditions that could cause your period to be late, so it’s best to take a pregnancy test to be sure.

The average menstrual cycle is about 28 days. On day one the lining of the uterus begins to shed. This is the start of your period, usually lasting 5 to 7 days. Once your period ends, the uterus begins to build the lining up again. Building up the uterine lining is the body’s way of preparing for a pregnancy. If pregnancy does not happen before the end of the next cycle, your period will start again.

Nausea – Nausea with or without vomiting is a common symptom of early pregnancy. You may experience morning sickness before you even miss your period, but it usually starts 2-8 weeks into a pregnancy.

Some women do not experience morning sickness while others experience nausea or vomiting well into the second trimester. Although this common pregnancy symptom is known as morning sickness, nausea or vomiting can happen any time of the day.

woman sleeping on sofaTiredness – You may experience tiredness or fatigue as early as one week into a pregnancy. It is a common sign of early pregnancy due to sudden changes in hormone levels. Your body is producing more blood and working hard. Similar to other early pregnancy symptoms, tiredness usually improves by 15 weeks. However, it does come back in the third trimester for many women.

Swollen or Sore Breasts – This is one of the most common early pregnancy signs. Estrogen and progesterone hormones spike, which increases blood flow to your breasts and can leave them feeling very sore and sensitive.

Some women notice breast tenderness every month prior to getting their period. This is due to changing hormones. When a woman is pregnant, breast tenderness will likely be more intense.

Spotting/Cramping – This early sign of pregnancy is when women experience light bleeding known as “spotting” around the time of a missed period.  This bleeding is not actually a period, but a result of the egg implanting into the uterus.  This “implantation” may cause slight cramping as well.

Other signs & Symptoms of Pregnancy

Frequent urination – The need to pee more often can be an early symptom of pregnancy. The amount of blood in your body increases with pregnancy. This causes the kidneys to filter excess fluid that ends up in your bladder and may make you feel like you’re running to the bathroom every 5 minutes!

Constipation – Having fewer bowel movements can be an early sign of pregnancy. Hormones help to balance fluids in the body and pregnancy can disrupt this balance resulting in constipation.

woman craving a burger

Food cravings/aversions – This early sign of pregnancy is quite common. Cravings feel like a strong urge for certain foods (or combinations of foods) that are difficult to resist. It’s also common to find certain foods – even things you normally enjoy – suddenly repulsive. Doctors don’t understand exactly why 50-90 percent of American women experience some type of food craving (and/or aversion) but it’s likely related to the hormonal changes during early pregnancy.

Bloating – This can be an early sign of pregnancy for some women. Bloating occurs when the gastrointestinal tract is filled with air or gas.  Hormonal changes during early pregnancy may slow down the digestive system and leave a woman feeling bloated and uncomfortable.

Cramping – This early sign of pregnancy can generally be described as pulling sensations on one or both sides of the abdomen. Many women experience cramping during the first trimester as a result of the normal changes that occur during pregnancy.

woman looking out window Moodiness – Sudden mood changes or swings, ranging from mild to severe, can be an early pregnancy sign. With hormones soaring, it may be difficult to control your feelings. If you suspect you’re pregnant, nerves and anxiety can further drive this response.

These other early signs of pregnancy may be subtle.  If you are experiencing one or many of these symptoms, it is recommended that you have a pregnancy test confirmed by a medical professional.

Period Vs. Pregnant

Unfortunately, symptoms alone cannot tell you whether you are pregnant or not. Some of the symptoms could mean your period is about to start or that you are becoming sick. Furthermore, you could be pregnant without experiencing many of these symptoms. If you think pregnancy is a possibility, the best thing to do is take a test. Jewel Women’s Center offers free lab-quality pregnancy tests as well as other resources.

When should I take a test?

Pregnancy tests will be most accurate after a missed period.  Some tests can be taken before a missed period so be sure to read the box and instructions.  When a test is taken too early, you can have a “false negative” which means the pregnancy test was not able to detect the pregnancy hormone in your urine even though you are truly pregnant.

Where can I get a pregnancy test?

Rapid pregnancy tests that screen your urine for the pregnancy hormone (called hCG) are widely available at drug stores, grocery stores, and online retailers.  The cost varies depending on the brand, but most range from $10-20.  Jewel Women’s Center offers medical-grade pregnancy testing at no cost. We serve women in Schuylkill County, PA and surrounding areas.  Contact us today for a confidential, no-cost appointment.

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