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The Abortion Pill

When considering the abortion pill there are a lot of questions you may have. How will taking the abortion pill affect my health? How does the abortion pill work?  What will a medical abortion feel like?

What is the abortion pill?

The abortion pill is actually a two-pill method of terminating a pregnancy.  Often referred to as a medical abortion, it is a combination of two medications—mifepristone and misoprostolThis method of abortion is not to be confused with the morning after pill (levonorgestrel) which prevents conception from occurring. 

How does the abortion pill work to terminate a pregnancy?

The pills work together to terminate the pregnancy.  The first pill, mifepristone (tradename Mifeprex), blocks the hormone progesterone.  Progesterone is essential to the growth and development of the fetus. After taking mifepristone, the lining of the uterus will thin and the embryo (or fetus) will not be able to stay implanted.   The second medication, misoprostol, is used to help expel the terminated embryo or fetus from the uterus. It causes uterine cramping and contractions, eventually ridding the uterine lining and fetal tissues through the vagina.  

(Embryo refers to a developing baby under 8 weeks gestation.  Fetus refers to a developing baby over 8 weeks gestation.)

How do I get abortion pills?

In the past, abortion pills could only be obtained through a doctor who was certified to administer them.  Pennsylvania law used to require a woman to have a face-to-face consultation with the doctor at least 24 hours before starting the medical abortion process.  The first pill – mifepristone – was administered in the office or clinic. This would occur after the waiting period has ended and in a separate appointment from the consultation.  Typically, the patient was then instructed to take the second pill at home.

In April of 2021, the FDA relaxed restrictions on the management of mifepristone. As a result, women seeking an abortion are now able to receive the abortion pill through the mail following a virtual visit with an abortion clinic.

The cost of a medical abortion can range from $300-800 depending on your circumstances. It is unlikely that health insurance will cover the cost of abortion pills. 

When can I take abortion pills?

Mifepristone can be taken within the first 70 days of the pregnancy and is 93-98% effective in terminating a pregnancy.  For pregnancies dating more than 10 weeks, a surgical method must be performed.  Before any procedure, some things to discuss with your doctor include: any history of blood clots, medications you are taking, any symptoms of anxiety or depression, or if you have an IUD.  These issues must be addressed before taking the abortion pill. 

What will I experience after taking the abortion pills?

After taking the first pill, you may experience some light cramping or bleeding.  You will take the second pill 24-48 hours after the first pill. The second pill will take effect anywhere from 5 hours to a few days.  Heavy cramping and bleeding will begin and eventually you will pass the embryo, embryonic sac and uterine tissues out through the vagina.  The bleeding should be like a heavy period and may contain a lot of clots. 

Side Effects & potential complications when taking the abortion pill

Some women who have opted for medical abortion have also experienced: dizziness, intense cramping, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain separate from cramping, mild fever or chills and light lactation.  These symptoms are not particularly unusual and should subside when the abortion process is complete. However, there are more serious complications to be aware of such as: an allergic reaction (swelling, difficulty breathing), infection, blood clots, prolonged or excessive bleeding and fever higher than 100.4 degrees.  Although rare, severe reactions to abortion pills can be fatal. Discuss any reactions and concerns with your doctor. 

What happens after the abortion process? 

If your abortion is performed under medical supervision, your doctor will have you watch for the passing of the fetal tissues so you can call and schedule a return visit to ensure the abortion is complete.  At this appointment, your doctor will confirm that no fetal tissues are still in the uterus. If present, this could indicate the need for surgical abortion or surgical removal of tissues to prevent infection.  If the abortion pills did not terminate the pregnancy, what to do next can be discussed with your doctor at this appointment. It is important to keep this follow-up appointment since an incomplete abortion can lead to infection and can impact future fertility. 

Learn More With Jewel

Jewel Women’s Center offers pre-abortion screenings at no cost. Contact us to schedule a no-pressure consultation. We serve individuals in Schuylkill County, PA and surrounding areas.

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