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During the past few weeks, we’ve learned a lot about preventing the spread of Coronavirus: Wash your hands often, don’t touch your face, cough into your elbow, keep a safe social distance and stay home if you can.  Though these precautions are important, staying healthy during the Covid-19 outbreak, for many people, will also require mental and emotional health-boosting activities.


Research suggests a strong connection between the immune system and mental/emotional health. It’s more important than ever to keep the immune system strong but feelings of anxiety and depression can creep in during crises like the Covid-19 outbreak. Feeling fearful of the unknown is normal and though necessary, social distancing may compound feelings of loneliness and depression.  So, what can we do to stay mentally and emotionally healthy during this time? Jewel Women’s Center desires to see our clients, client families, staff and community experience optimal health, so we’ve compiled a list of 10 tips for promoting mental and emotional health while social distancing.

10 tips to stay healthy

  1. Stay connected virtually. Many online meeting platforms have waived fees during this time.  Set up a video meeting with a platform like Zoom and gather your friends or extended family to hang out.  You could play a game together or even eat a meal together. Many churches have begun to live stream services which offer another great way to connect online with others in your community.
  2. Learn a new skill such as playing the guitar, cooking or dancing. Teach your parent a new dance or have your kids teach you a popular move! Have a friend teach you something by Facetime or look up an online tutorial for whatever you’re interested in.
  3. Read a book or listen to a book online. Audible is offering free audiobooks for kids stuck at home. Adults, why not join or create an online book club or study group?
  4. Create a routine. Even without regular school, work or social activities, it’s helpful to follow a daily routine.  Set a time to wake up, eat meals, exercise, etc.
  5. Connect with old friends by social media, email, text or phone.
  6. Get outdoors. Go for a hike or walk with your kids, dog, and/or family. Just be sure to keep proper social distance if you’re in a public park or community area. Exercise releases stress-relieving hormones in your body!
  7. Be thankful. There is significant research to support that gratitude is good for your mind and body. Take a 14-day challenge to post something you’re thankful for each day.
  8. Write in a journal. It can be very beneficial to your health to process thoughts and feelings through writing.
  9. Start a garden with your family. Gardening is a great way to bond with your family and it’s been known to decrease anxiety. It also brings a feeling of satisfaction to see your flowers or veggies grow!
  10. Help a neighbor from afar. Is there an older person in your community whom you could help? Perhaps they need outdoor repairs, painting or cleanup on their property.  Young children could make cards or draw pictures to send to family or elderly members of the community.

Jewel Women’s Center is an organization serving Schuylkill County, PA.  If you live in our community and have need of material assistance or mental health services, our staff can help connect you with appropriate local agencies.  For complete information about Covid-19 in PA go to

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